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3 Reasons Why You Should Consider Being An Optometrist

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Considering being an optometrist is one of the best career ideas you can have. While it requires intense training and a significant number of years in school, the sacrifice is worth taking. 

Here are some reasons why you should continue following your dream of becoming an optometrist.

1. You Get Exposed to Various Specialties

While many of those who study optometry end up as private practitioners, there are many other career paths that your optometry degree can lead you to. The wide options of specialties make this course an admirable choice for many who have a passion for bringing change through the medical field. Optometry avails numerous specific opportunities making it a much better career than the other medical professions.

By simply being an eye doctor, there are many specialties to consider that are still lucrative. You can go for pediatric, low vision, geriatric, vision rehabilitation, contact lenses, disabilities, ocular disease, among other special considerations. Once you have your optometry degree, you can find a specialty that best fits your interests and meets your other personal needs. Each of these specialties is a lucrative venture you can consider. 

2. A Bright Outlook

Most eye problems are usually recorded among the elderly. The demand for optometrists is quite high. This is not to mention the vast population of the younger generation who are also increasingly recording various eye conditions requiring constant attention. This only means that the need for optometrists will keep rising. 

Additionally, optometry offers opportunities to explore in your optometrist career. You can venture into the academic field, where you'll have the chance to teach the next generations about optometry. You can also participate in interdisciplinary care with other healthcare providers, among other opportunities. 

3. You Get Job Satisfaction and a Better Quality of Life

Optometry gives you the ability to make a difference in your patients' lives and still earn a decent living and balance between work and personal life. Additionally, optometry offers you a flexible schedule working either part-time or full-time. You won't have to worry about receiving frequent emergency care requests like other medical field professionals, which is an assurance of peace of mind.

In addition to all these, optometrists make good income and can still enjoy some covers and allowances based on their form of operation. Optometrist working for the government in military service enjoy various perks in addition to their usual salary. There's much to enjoy as an optometrist, and you should never let go of a chance to become one.
